Tag Archives: Kings Park

A school reunion

Saturday 1 August 2009

When Ann started planning this trip down under, she had no idea that one of her best friends from her schooldays would be living here in Perth.  The last time we had seen Roy (on a trip back to Blighty) he was living even further down under in Dunedin.

So when Roy rang Ann on her birthday and said that he was now living in Perth, everything suddenly came together.  We met up late morning (recognising that Ann and I needed a little bit of a recovery period after the previous night’s barbie), and headed off first to Kings Park where we took in the view of  Perth and the Swan River from the War Memorial, and enjoyed a brief walk around the botanic gardens.

Holly Ann and Roy and Perth skyline

After a tootle round to Scarborough (I’m not joking – there’s a Scarborough south of Sydney and one north of Brisbane too) to see the Indian Ocean, we repaired to the Swan Valley for a very pleasant al fresco lunch (plus a spot of wine tasting too).  Our destination was Chesters Restaurant at the Heafod Glen Winery.  Highly recommended!